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Upgrade your plan to analyze unlimited properties, calculate offer prices and create branded PDF reports. Click here to view available upgrade options.

  • Up to 15 Saved Properties
  • Up to 5 Property Photos
  • Up to 5 Sales & Rental Comps
  • Up to 5 Property Templates
  • View Updated Property Records & Listings
  • Purchase Offer Calculator
  • Unlock All Purchase Criteria
  • Customize Sales & Rental Comps
  • Property Owner Lookup
  • Property Reports with Custom Branding

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S.No. Product Plan Amount Date Ref.No Paid Via Invoice
1 1CR app premium ₹. 1500 10/05/2023 1CR-2023-066 Phonepay Download
2 1CR app premium ₹. 1500 10/05/2023 1CR-2023-066 Phonepay Download
3 1CR app premium ₹. 1500 10/05/2023 1CR-2023-066 Phonepay Download
4 1CR app premium ₹. 1500 10/05/2023 1CR-2023-066 Phonepay Download
5 1CR app premium ₹. 1500 10/05/2023 1CR-2023-066 Phonepay Download
6 1CR app premium ₹. 1500 10/05/2023 1CR-2023-066 Phonepay Download